Divisons & Rules


T-BALL (age 4 & 5)

  • An early introduction to baseball aimed at promoting teamwork and developing an interest in baseball.
  • A softer baseball is used to help protect players from injury.
  • No outs or scores are kept.
  • No tryouts are held.
  • Games take place once a week.

SHETLAND (age 5 & 6)

  • A softer baseball is used to help protect players from injury.
  • A Pitching Machine is used.
  • Games are played at a competitive level and standings are kept.
  • All Shetland baseball players will be drafted onto teams after tryouts in an effort to balance the teams.
  • They will play at least one game per week.

PINTO (age 7 & 8)

  • 60′ Base paths and 40′ Pitching mound distances.
  • Kids pitching is introduced.
  • Games are played at a competitive level and standings are kept.
  • All Pinto baseball players will be drafted onto teams after tryouts in an effort to balance the teams.
  • They will play at least one game per week.

MUSTANG (age 9 & 10)

  • 60′ Base paths and 46′ Pitching mound distances.
  • We introduce major league rules in this division, like leading off, and balks. 
  • Games are played at a competitive level and standings are kept.
  • All Mustang baseball players will be drafted onto teams after tryouts in an effort to balance the teams.
  • They will play at least one game per week. Games will be played during the week and on the weekends.

BRONCO (age 11 & 12)

  • 70′ Base paths and 50′ Pitching mound distances.
  • Games are played at a competitive level and standings are kept.
  • All Bronco baseball players will be drafted onto teams after tryouts in an effort to balance the teams.
  • They will play at least one game per week. Games will be played during the week and on the weekend.

Pitching Logs & Limits

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